Are you looking for the best strawberries romanoff recipe? A non-alcoholic, "virgin" recipe? Then this is the page for you!
Strawberries Romanoff... Traditional Strawberry Love!
There are many theories on the origins of this dish, but one thing that they all agree on is that it's been around for quite a long time. If you've ever tasted this cool dessert, you know why it's still a favorite... and if you haven't tried it before, then here's your chance!
Non-Alcoholic ("Virgin") Strawberries Romanoff Dessert Recipe
Note: if you are using fresh strawberries then it is best to prepare this recipe as close to serving time as possible so that the strawberries will retain their fresh texture (but no less than 4 hours before serving, to allow for preparation time).
The first thing to do is to arrange the strawberries however you would like them to be presented in the dish(es) that you will use for serving the dessert. Next, dissolve the sugar in the orange juice by placing the two ingredients together in a pan and stirring them over low heat until the sugar dissolves completely. Allow the orange juice/sugar mix to cool, then stir in the sour cream. You should also stir in the optional Angostura (or other orange bitters) and the vanilla extract at this time, if you decide to use them (note: these ingredients tend to be made with alcohol, so if you use them, the result will likely contain a little alcohol). Pour this mixture over the strawberries until the berries are only slightly covered, then set the dessert(s) in the refrigerator and allow the strawberries to steep for at least 3 hours. Just prior to serving time, top the dish(es) with whipped cream and garnish with the nice-looking strawberries.
Take in the ages-old pleasure of strawberries romanoff! And the next time that you're looking for a strawberry recipe, please return to StrawberriesForStrawberryLovers.Com, Home of the World's Happiest Fruit!
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