Strawberry Bread Recipe
Are you searching for a really good strawberry bread recipe or strawberry muffin recipe? If so, then this page has definitely got what you want!

Bakes both ways... bread, AND muffins!
This recipe makes delicious strawberry bread, strawberry muffins... even strawberry nut bread, if you like! It's nice any time of the day, too: breakfast, or dinner, or a snack anywhere in between. You'll love it for sure!
Here's how you make it:
Strawberry Bread and Muffin Recipe
- 1 Cup (250 mL) All-Purpose Flour
- 2/3 Cup (150 mL) Granulated White ("Table") Sugar
- 3 Tablespoons (45 mL) Vegetable Oil
- 1 Tablespoon (15 mL) Butter
- 1 Large Egg
- 1 Teaspoon (5 mL) Vanilla Extract
- 3/4 Cup (175 mL) Strawberries
- 1 Teaspoon (5 mL) Baking Powder
- 1/2 Teaspoon (2 mL) Salt
- 3 Tablespoons (45 mL) 2% (Reduced Fat) Milk
- 1/4 Cup (50 mL) Your Favorite Nuts (Optional)
The first thing to do is to melt the butter, and to chop the strawberries into small chunks about 1/8 of an inch (3 mm) in diameter (if you are making strawberry nut bread then you should chop them up now, too, to the same size as the strawberry pieces). Once you've done these things, place these ingredients in a mixing bowl along with the egg, the vegetable oil, the vanilla extract, and the milk. Mix these together thoroughly, then stir in the salt, the baking powder, and the sugar. The final step in making the batter is to add the flour. Add it a little at a time until all of it has been mixed in.
When you bake the batter, pre-oil a bread pan or muffin tin, and place another pan filled 3/4 full of water on to the lowest shelf of the oven. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Place the pan or tin with the batter on to the second lowest shelf of the oven. Bake the bread for 30 minutes (muffins for 25 minutes), or until a wooden toothpick inserted into the center of the baked good comes out clean.
After trying this recipe, you may want to try the very similar StrawberriesForStrawberryLovers.Com recipe for strawberry coffee cake, which you can see here (clicking on the preceding link will open this page in a new window).
Enjoy this recipe, then come back for more good things at StrawberriesForStrawberryLovers.Com, Home of the World's Happiest Fruit!
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